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Monsters that have gone to their final resting places

Red, White & Blue Zombie

Frightening Ghoul

Spooky Empire 2023

Vile Savage & Frost Bitten Freddy
Spooky Empire 2023

Spooky Empire 2023

Return of the Living Ghoul
Spooky Empire 2023

Wrapped Ghoul
Spooky Empire 2023

Classic Savage
Spooky Empire 2023

Vintage Savage
Spooky Empire 2023

Mossy Mitch

Frost Bitten Freddy


Vile Savage

Horror Clause

Tar Ghoul

Living Dead Larry

Earthworm Ghoul

Neon Savage

Pumpkin Patch Monkey Paw (1)

Horror Clause

Sea Creature v2

Vile Vinny

Re-Animated Creep v2

Horror Clause (2020 edition)

Glowing Ghastly Savage

Carcass Carl

Poisoned Hag

Graveyard Savage

Strange Savage

Rawhide Randi

Toxic Savage

Dark Sea Creature

Berry Savage

Sci-Fi Savage

Savage Ghoul

Savage Monster

Candy Cane Clause

Frigid Hag

Krampus Paw

Roasted Randy

Albino Creature

Diseased Hag

Clothed Creep

Toxic Monkey Paw

Space Vamp

Saint Sick

Freshwater Creature

Pumpkin Patch Hag

Cremated Carl

Volcano Creature

Lizard Skin Larry

Decay Ray

Cream-Sickle Clair

Shrouded Creep

Re-Animated Creep

Vampy Skeletor

Paulie Plague

Watermelon Willie

Ghouly Greg

Bog Creature

Infectious Irene


Tommy Tomb

Washed-Up Willie

Goodbye Greg

Third Hag

Will o' the Wisp

Deflated Donnie

Leakage Lonna

Septic Hag

Braindead Beth

Sunburnt Sam

Striped Monkey Paw

Bruised Betty

Amazonian Monkey Paw

Flying Monkey Paw

Gorey Creep

Sand Creep

Toxic Creep

Astro Creep

Bubblegum Creep

Grey Wolf

Winter Wolf

Tropical Creature

Murky Creature

Necrosis Nate

Primal Perry

Putrid Pauline

Strange Sally

Nuclear Nancy

No-Pigment Nate

Barbara Barracuda

Swamp Hag

Albino Monkey Paw

Sea Creature

Gill Rot Creature

Black Eyed Vamp

Rotten Ralph

Tar Creep

Bloodlust Wolf

Mutated Madison

Neon Creature

Punk Vamp

Oozing Creep

Neon Wolf

Charred Charlie

Silver Screen Creature

Alien Vamp

Galaxy Creep

Savage Wolf

Space Creep
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